Hello 4T! Hello World!


Welcome to class 4T at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Mrs Tutill, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

If you use our blog please make sure that you read the Blog Rules and that all your posts are respectful.

Happy Blogging!

Mrs Tutill

Merry Christmas

In Writing, we have written instructions about how to make a Celtic or Roman shield. In computing we edited the scenes from our Roman film. We have also enjoyed designing and making Christmas decorations. Thank you to all of the children for their hard work this term and all of the support from parents and carers.

Have a lovely festive break. See you on Monday 6th January for the new term.

Romans vs. Celts

This week in art, we finished our Roman style mosaics with everyone taking great care to cut out and stick paper tiles to depict their chosen scene. The children have also been using their acting skills to film scenes of Celtic life and a battle between the Roman and Celtic armies. In Writing, we have been learning how to write instructions based on the tortilla pizzas that we made recently. Area has been our focus in Maths this week, with the children consolidating their knowledge with some Christmas challenges.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

On Thursday, 4T had an amazing time on our visit West Yorkshire Playhouse to watch the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

In English, we have written our final stories using a mystery object as inspiration. I have been really impressed with how everyone has been using the language and grammar features that we have been learning about over this half term. In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of column addition and subtraction and using this to solve missing number problems. Our recognition board focus has been ‘being thankful’ which is linked to the collective worship theme this week.

Invading Romans

In History, 4T have been learning about why the Romans wanted to invade Britain and why their first two attempts were unsuccessful, before successfully conquering Britain on the third attempt. We enjoyed creating stop motion animations to show these invasion attempts. In English, everyone has been working hard to write their own version of a creepy story opening using a photograph as inspiration. We have been focussing on the 11 and 12 times tables in Maths and the related division facts to solve problems.

Anti Bullying Week – choose respect

This week has been National Anti Bullying Week. The theme was #choose respect. We have been learning how we are all unique and how to increase our self esteem with positivity. I have been so impressed with how hard everyone in the class has worked to practice and perform our Stop Bullying Rap.

In Writing, we have been creating openings toolkits by looking at the features in our model text. Everyone has been working hard to ‘magpie’ ideas to use in their writing to make it descriptive and interesting to the reader. We have continuing our multiplication and division topic in Maths, by focusing on the 7 and 9 times tables and the related division facts. In Science, we have started our new topic about sound. We have been learning how sounds are made and how we hear them.

Fantastic start

We have had a fantastic start back after half term. In maths, we have started our multiplication and division topic by learning about the 6 and 9 times tables and the related division facts. For writing, we have been describing snowy settings by thinking about what we would be able to see, hear and touch. We are also learning our model text, Alma with actions.
I have also been really impressed with the different ways in which children in 4T have completed their Roman projects at home. Thank you for sharing them with the class.

The Romans are coming

4T were very excited to be visited by a Roman solider this week for a Roman workshop. We used drama and role play to learn about Roman society, gods and entertainment.

4T also used a lot of creativity to finish our Roman shields by adding patterns and details. Well done to all of 4T for working so hard this half term.

Celtic Shields

It’s been another really positive week in 4T. I have been really impressed with the collaboration skills shown by everyone helping each other to make our Celtic shields. The cardboard was quite tough to cut but with perseverance and help from our classmates, we have completed the first step in making them. Our recognition board theme has been acts of kindness and it’s been lovely to see how kind and helpful people have been to others this week.

Visit from Reverend Dave

Thank you to all of the parents who came to parents evening on Wednesday. The online appointments will be on Monday.

We were very excited this week to welcome Reverend Dave to our class. He talked to us different parts of the church and what his job involves. He then spent time answering all of the questions we had prepared for him. It was really interesting insight into the life of the church.